EPSI INC. - Electronics Packaging Solutions International Inc. Contact us at: P.O. Box 1522, Montclair, NJ 07042 USA, tel.: +1 (973)746-3796, fax: +1 (973)655-0815 e-mail: jpclech@aol.com |
CONSULTING SERVICES We help clients in: Establishing internal reliability programs: testing strategies, accelerated test plans, design-of-experiment, test vehicles, design-for- reliability, life prediction techniques. Assessing the reliability of existing or new technologies: BGAs, Flip-Chip, Chip-Scale Packages, SnPb or lead-free assemblies.. Design reviews and problem-solving: "fire-fighting", failure analysis, independent audits. We also offer: Modeling services: package and board thermal / mechanical stress analysis (incl. FEA), Acceleration Factors (AF), statistical analysis, solder joint fatigue and reliability predictions under both thermal and mechanical loads (e.g. vibration), bump height predictions, model development. Software development: custom programs, spreadsheets, Windows applications. Measurements: high-sensitivity moiré, in-situ stress/strain measurements, Coefficients of Thermal Expansion (CTE) of packages, substrates, circuit boards, thin films. Expert-witness services related to electronic packages, SMT, circuit boards and solder joint failures. Representation at technical events: conferences, standards, committee meetings. Research and literature surveys. Retainer services: draw on our engineering resources and areas of expertise when problems occur. EXAMPLES OF CONSULTING PROJECTS WE HAVE WORKED ON: Lead-free thermal cycling acceleration factors for automotive, computer & telecommunication products. Failure analysis and design improvement for lead-free solder joints in automotive applications. Design and reliability assessment of very large (> 1 inch long) electrical solder joints (non-electronic application). Mechanical shock and impact analysis for heavy object falling on structural floor (non-electronic application). Reliability assessment of over-molded area-array multi-chip module assembly for a laser printer application. Evaluation of the attachment of Ceramic Ball Grid Array (CBGA) and Ceramic Column Grid Array (CCGA) packages to for multiple aerospace applications. Included: model validation, up-front life assessments and estimates of test acceleration factors. Analysis of and design changes for failing solder joints of gull-wing leaded component. Development of classical (non-Finite Element based) stress/strain analysis model to predict warpage of large ball grid array package. Model was implemented in spread-sheet that enabled rapid parametric studies. Review and analysis of lead-free solder mechanical properties. Material selection and pad size optimization for a Chip Scale Package (CSP) with small and large semiconductor chips. NO PROJECT IS TOO SMALL OR TOO BIG: Request-For-Quotations (RFQs) are welcome. After discussion and review of the scope and goals of your project, we will provide a written proposal with work plan and deliverables. Pricing arrangments are on an hourly basis or on a project (fixed-cost) basis. Retainer services are also available for on-going consulting. TO DISCUSS YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS, PLEASE CONTACT: Jean-Paul Clech, tel: +1 (973)746-3796, e-mail: jpclech@aol.com |
Copyright EPSI Inc. 2003-2017. |